Aug 25, 2009

Cosmic Connection

Two of my favorite people share a birthday today.

Our son Peter Sebastian turns 21 today--Congratulations, Pete--Happy Birthday! From Mexico to Iceland, Yosemite to Europe, you have expanded your horizons in 21 years, and I know you'll continue to.

Pete in Iceland, 2006

Bill Holm was born 66 years ago today, in Minneota, Minnesota. He passed away last winter, leaving friends around the world, and a legacy of varied and wonderful books. He expanded my horizons, infecting me with Iceland on the Brain. Pete, Gabe, John and I were fortunate to meet Bill in Hófsos, Iceland, in 2006. I'll never forget the bear-like warmth of his hug, or the passionate nature of his discourse. Thanks for sharing my son's birthday, Bill; thanks for sharing your life with all of us.

Still my favorite picture of Holm

Do you want to read one of Bill's books? Do you want to catch Icelandic Fever? I suggest starting with Coming Home Crazy: An Alphabet of China Essays, Eccentric Islands: Travels Real and Immaginary, or Windows of Brimnes.

Pete last Christmas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Handsome Man...
I am going to Borders tonight and well, gosh, I just MAY by a book and catch Icelandic Fever..