Sep 11, 2009


"How does one fall in love?"

This quote resonated with me, as people often ask me how I fell in love with Iceland. I've had enough opportunities to reflect on the question that I think I know the answer pretty well--except for the random and irrational aspects of the falling in love experience, however: that still mystifies me a bit.

Celeste, Elyse and I went to DC while they were visiting Richmond, and we went to several museums, including the National Museum of African Art. This quote was displayed on a brochure that highlights the Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection on display there.

Often asked why he decided to collect African art, Paul Tishman replied, "How does one fall in love?"

How, indeed? I like not knowing the complete answer to that question. Who knows when a work of art, a song, or when some personality quirk will evoke that wonderful, random response? Food for thought, love is.

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