Sep 28, 2009

A Berserker for Trollope

Yes, I am. I love Trollope, especially the Chronicles of Barsetshire. I am on my third reading of the series, this time thanks to a Librivox recording that I'm listening to when I go to the gym. This gives me incentive to go to the gym as often as possible, so as to immerse myself in Trollope's wonderful writing.

My friend Karen alerted me to the novels of Anglea Thirkell, written some 80 years later, many (29) of which were set in the same fictional Barsetshire as the Trollope novels. I am starting with August Folly, written in 1936. What did I find on page 6? You guessed it: an Iceland reference:

Mr. Tebben was a Civil Servant during the week ... but in the evenings, and from Saturday to Monday, he gave himself entirely to the past, taking for his province the heroic age of Norway and Iceland ...

I think I'm going to like Angela Thirkell! I'm also partial to Thirkell since she described her books as "new wine in an old bottle."


Anonymous said...

I lost Kristen under the seat of my car,just found her yesterday. Been crocheting lately...for a change.

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Lost Kristen--yikes! I had to put aside volumes 2 and 3 until later. Maybe I'll start 2 week after next?

Professor Batty said...

After Quire, I hope...

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

well yeah :-) Can't let you down just before your trip, can I?