Aug 16, 2009

Bear With Me

It's time to improve the appearance of Icelandic Fever! I will slowly be adding the elements that used to be on my sidebar. Such as the blogs I link to, my Iceland Journal, and so on.

You can help by letting me know which features you liked, and which ones I should ditch. I hope that the wider reading area is an improvement, and I will eventually increase the font size.

I'd love to hear your feedback!


Professor Batty said...

Looks good to me so far (@18:33) in both widescreen and laptop. I like the blog list- looks really good and gives meaningful information.

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Thanks, Batty! Don't hold back!

ג. ג. said...

I really like your new design. It's clean and simple and I would suggest you to keep it that way.

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Thanks, Guy!

niranjana said...

I like this layout. The content is clearly the focus, and the sidebar, as Batty said,is meaningful. LIKE.

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

I like your choice for Brown Paper as well, so I'm glad you think this one works.