An enthusiasm for Iceland grows to mythic proportions.
A Virginian on the edge of becoming a berserker.
Jun 27, 2009
Seen in Georgetown
Stranger than fiction! This was last September, and I took the picture. I ask myself: was he in a hurry to get to work, and forgot to get dressed? Had he been to the gym? Did his masseuse kick him out? Is he attempting to start a new fashion trend? Was a movie being filmed?
I think his crooked right arm held a cup of Starbucks.
I think I'll never know the answer to those questions.
Sijie. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (student book club) Prest. Varney the Vampyre, or the Feast of Blood: DONE! all "868 double columned pages divided into 220 chapters" Dickens. Little Curiosity Shop
Goal:gym 4x/week; Bed on time: 4 of 5 work nights Sunday: Monday: gym Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 116
Boxers, briefs or commando?
I don't WANT to know that!
There is no truth to the scurrilous rumor that I am the one in the robe. Note: commando.
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