Feb 15, 2008

My Beloveds

First, a belated Happy Valentine's Day to all of YOU!

For my beloved, a book by Thorbergur Thordarson, of the "Big Books" Museum fame:

Click Picture at right

In Search of My Beloved is the only book of Thordarson's translated into English, as far as I can tell. He is the author of some 47 works, and the number is much higher if you consider different editions and translations.

And for me, from my beloved, a necklace made from pages of a 1910 dictionary. One side features a puffin, and the other, Iceland. Love it! To see items from this Richmond designer, check out her web site at prettysillythings.

And last but not least, a Foo Dog from that Special Someone. It came accompanied by the poem below...
Wishing you love that is
never faux
and sometimes delightfully

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