Oct 22, 2007

Icelandic Fever rates a feverish 13

I tried out Website Grader to see their analysis of my blog. Their algorithm “uses a proprietary blend of over a dozen different variables, including search engine data, website structure, approximate traffic, site performance, and others.” Most notable of the various rankings was the Alexa Traffic Ranking. Their conclusion: “The website www.fooface.blogspot.com has a ranking of 13. This means that it is the 13th most trafficed site on the web -- as measured by Alexa.” Are you amazed? I swear by Thor this is the absolute truth.

My husband works at a large university library, and when he submitted the library web page it was ranked 17,752 by Alexa. Oh, and they have an entire Systems Department working on their site. So the only similarity between my stellar blog and the pathetic university one is that we are ranked the same on Readability Level: Advanced Degree (PhD). (Reader: doesn't that make you feel smart?)

No doubt you’ll want to try out this highly accurate site yourself.

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