Here is my Mountain of Books to Be Read (well, some of them):
And here are two pictures of my Icelandic shelf, the shelf of the books I treasure most of all. Gosh, this picture looks eerily like Batty's, doesn't it.
You'll note both shelves are double-shelved: an indication that I either have a lot of real
For a description of all my books pertaining to Iceland, check out Library Thing (right sidebar), which also includes reviews of all of my Iceland books (excepting those that I haven't read yet, naturally).
Oooo, this is fun, I see you have a couple of books by Leithauser, and two Poetic Eddas! Or is one the Prose Edda? And we both have Bill Holm's McKnight Award book! Double shelving! You are HARD CORE!
Ah, much as I'd like to take credit, I didn't coin the term. But I'm glad to have introduced it to you.
Interestingly, many of your TBRs are on my TBR shelf too. Perhaps that's material for another post?
Hard Core--or undisciplined.
hmmm, only one Poetic Edda. Where do you see number two?
Did you get the book "The tricking of Freya"?
Hi Guy,
Sort of. It is on order, and should arrive in a day or two!
... the day after I determined to read her book, my boss gave me a gift certificate to Barnes & N. Great timing!
Poetic Edda #1- top picture about a third of the way in from the left.
Poetic Edda #2- Bottom picture, bottom of stack.
Or is it the same book?
Same--I wasn't trying to cheat, honest.
I've got McPhee's The Control of Nature also- it was just out of the frame on my second shelf...
Niranjana, I'd be happy to post a picture of your Mount TBR (or that portion of it which can fit within the lens of a camera). Since your blog is more professional in nature, feel free to post any fluff via mine ;-) We'd love to see it!
Thanks for the offer!I'm yet to take photographs, so I'll think about it and let you know :)
Great, Niranjana, don't be shy ;-)
I've posted a pic of my TBR shelf. I figured my blog could use some fluff :)
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